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Blumenthal, Murphy Launch 2nd Annual Connecticut Manufacturing Survey, Examine Sector's Needs In State

(Hartford, CT) – Today, U.S. Senator Richard Blumenthal (D-CT) and Congressman Chris Murphy (D-CT) launched their second annual survey of Connecticut manufacturers, which they developed to learn more about the needs of the state’s manufacturers. Last year, this survey provided valuable feedback from over 150 Connecticut manufacturers. The results highlighted the need for increased training for the manufacturing jobs of the future, the urgency of bringing down the cost of health care, and the support behind initiatives to stop further outsourcing. Blumenthal and Murphy used the survey results to craft and support policies that help to strengthen Connecticut’s manufacturing sector.

Today, Blumenthal and Murphy encouraged workers in the manufacturing industry to fill out this year’s survey, stressing the importance of last year’s results to their work in Washington.

“This survey will help promote pro-manufacturing policy so critical to job creation in Connecticut. Last year’s survey showed the critical need for skill training to match people with job openings that exist right now or will be created, and significantly shaped my policy stances on economic growth and job creation. The survey is a very valuable tool in my efforts to travel the state visiting small and large manufacturers and listening to their challenges and achievements and learning from them,” said Blumenthal.

“Last year, we asked manufacturers from across Connecticut what they wanted to see from their government, and that feedback has helped us continue to make the strongest possible case for Connecticut manufacturing in Washington,” said Murphy. “Connecticut’s manufacturers will help lead our state out of this economic slump, and we want to continue that dialogue and hear directly from those companies about how to craft policy that helps them grow and create jobs. We’ve got to get creative to generate more jobs and business opportunities for our skilled workforce, and that process continues with this survey.”

The survey is designed to allow Blumenthal and Murphy to better advocate for the needs of Connecticut manufacturers. The lawmakers will compile all the feedback and ideas into a report, which will be released later this year. The results will be anonymous, and no identifying information will be tracked.

A link to the 2012 manufacturing survey can be found here:
