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Blumenthal, Murphy, Courtney, Himes, Esty Announce Federal Energy Grants for Farms in Lebanon, Easton, Litchfield, New Canaan

(Hartford, CT) – U.S. Senators Richard Blumenthal (D-Conn.) and Chris Murphy (D-Conn.) and Congressman Joe Courtney (CT-2), Congressman Jim Himes (CT-4) and Congresswoman Elizabeth Esty (CT-5) announced today four USDA Rural Energy for America grants for renewable energy and energy efficiency investments at farms in Lebanon, Easton, Litchfield and New Canaan.

  • Prides Corner Farms in Lebanon received $187,184 to purchase and install and roof-mounted 240 kW solar PV array. The system will produce 296,000 kwh annually, equivalent to powering 27 households per year.
  • Gilberties Herb Garden in Easton received $75,825 to provide energy efficient improvements, including LED lighting and a heating system upgrade. The upgrades will provide savings of 171,836 kwh annually, equivalent to powering 15 households.
  • Howling Flats Farm in New Canaan received $28,652 to purchase and install at 26 kW solar PV array, which will offset 100 percent of their current and future energy needs.
  • Meadow Ridge Farm in Litchfield received a $39,509 for a solar PV system that will offset 100 percent of the needs of their farm. The energy is equivalent to powering 4 homes.

“These four federal grants will allow farms in Lebanon, Easton, New Canaan and Litchfield to take money spent now on expensive energy costs and reinvest in what matters most—growing and strengthening their businesses. Investment in renewable energy technology like solar and wind helps drive down energy costs, reduces our reliance on fossil fuel and foreign oil, and allows reinvestment in jobs nationwide. I will continue to fight to ensure that our federal dollars—including energy tax credits—cover all relevant technologies, including solar, wind and fuel cells,” Blumenthal said.

“Connecticut’s small farms drive local economies and support good jobs. These new federal grants will help four farms across the state install solar power to reduce energy usage, cut costs and help the environment,” said Murphy. “I’m working hard to make it easier for Connecticut farmers to grow their businesses, and I’ll keep fighting for more federal support help our state’s small farms succeed.”

“This substantial grant from the USDA will help Prides Corner install a state-of-the-art renewable solar energy system to help the farm reduce its carbon footprint,” said Courtney. “I was pleased to support Prides Corner request through the competitive grant application, and after all was said and done, they have received over $500,000 to get this upgrade done.”

“The transition from carbon-based to alternative and clean energy sources is vital for the health of our families and the environment and the security of our nation. This change needs to happen not only on a personal level, but also in business and agriculture. That’s why I am thrilled to see more than $100,000 in federal grants go to Gilberties Herb Garden in Easton and Howling Flats Farm in New Canaan, providing incredible energy savings now and in the future. In the case of Howling Flats, 100 percent of the farm’s energy will now come from solar power thanks to this grant,” Himes said.

“These grant funds are great news for our farms here in northwest Connecticut. At Meadow Ridge Farm in Litchfield, they will be used for sustainable technology that will offset future costs, improve efficiency, and help the bottom line. Connecticut has long been at the forefront in our nation’s efforts to improve our energy efficiency, and these grants are yet another opportunity for some of our state’s best agricultural innovators to lead the way,” Esty said.
