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Blumenthal, Markey Statement on Reported VW Settlement

[WASHINGTON, DC] – U.S. Senators Richard Blumenthal (D-Conn.) and Edward J. Markey (D-Mass.), members of the Commerce, Science and Transportation Committee, released the following statement today in response to reports that Volkswagen (VW) will propose a $10.2 billion settlement in federal court next week, including reported payouts of as much as $7,000 for owners of certain diesel vehicles.

“It shouldn’t require a federal judge to rule for Volkswagen to do right by its customers. Any VW owner who wants nothing more to do with the vehicle that they were misled into buying should be entitled to a full vehicle buyback in addition to compensation,” the Members said. “As details of this settlement are finalized, we continue to call on the Department of Justice to vigorously pursue its criminal investigation against VW executives who knowingly and intentionally deceived regulators.”

In February, Senators Blumenthal and Markey and Reps. Bobby Rush (D-Ill.) and Frank Pallone (D-N.J.) introduced the Compensating Losses to the Environment from Automobiles with Noxious Undisclosed Pollution (CLEAN-UP) Act, legislation that would deny Corporate Average Fuel Economy (CAFE) credits to any auto manufacturer that circumvents emissions control requirements. The Senators also urged VW to ensure that owners of VW vehicles containing emission defeat devices are offered multiple options for adequate compensation for the damages and inconveniences incurred on them by the company’s deception.
