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Blumenthal, Lieberman Introduce Bill to Extend Benefits to Fire Police Officers

(Washington, DC) – Senators Richard Blumenthal (D-CT) and Joe Lieberman (I-CT) introduced the Fire Police Fairness Act that will extend public safety officer death benefits to Fire Police officers. Currently, there is no uniform national designation for fire police, and as a result, many of them face additional obstacles when attempting to access benefits that other public safety officers receive 

“This commonsense measure will ensure that fire police receive the benefits they have earned as they risk their lives to protect our communities,” said Senator Blumenthal. “Extending benefits to fire police will both eliminate burdensome red tape and institute basic fairness among all first responders.”

“Fire police play an important role in responding to fires and deserve the same benefits as other first responders should they suffer grievous injuries or death in the line of duty. I’m proud to introduce this legislation with Senator Blumenthal,” said Senator Lieberman.

Congressman Joe Courtney (CT-2) has introduced the companion legislation in the House of Representatives.

“In towns across eastern Connecticut, fire police are first on the scene right along with police, fire fighters and EMTs,” said Congressman Courtney. “If, God forbid, they are injured or killed in service to their community, it is only right that they receive the same benefits as other public safety officers. I am pleased that Sens. Lieberman and Blumenthal have joined me in this effort to cut through bureaucratic red tape, and ensure that fire police get the benefits they earn and deserve.” 
