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Blumenthal Lauds Marine One Contract for Sikorsky

(Hartford, CT) – U.S. Senator Richard Blumenthal (D-Conn.) issued the following statement lauding news that the Department of Defense has awarded a $138 million contract to Sikorsky for the final leg of maintenance work on the current fleet of the Marine One presidential helicopters. Work will begin in January and will be performed in Stratford, Connecticut. 

This landmark victory is great news for jobs and national security-- a ringing testament to the unrivaled skills and dedication of Sikorsky's amazing workforce. I fought proudly to ensure that this maintenance mission for the nation's iconic helicopter would be kept in its rightful and historical site.  I will continue that fight to ensure that Connecticut remains the arsenal of our democracy-- so critical to our national defense and our economy,” Blumenthal said.

As a member of the Senate Armed Services Committee, Blumenthal fought hard both publicly and behind the scenes to keep this work in Connecticut. Blumenthal has met and discussed the work with Navy leadership multiple times. Blumenthal, Senator Chris Murphy (D-Conn.), Congresswoman Rosa DeLauro (CT-3) and Congressman Jim Himes (CT-4) worked closely as a united delegation to prevent a possible plan to shift maintenance of the Marine One fleet from Stratford to a Navy facility in Florida, which would have impacted approximately 85 jobs in Connecticut. Blumenthal spearheaded a delegation letter to Secretary of the Navy Ray Mabus in August urging against any relocation of the work.
