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Blumenthal, Johnson Announce Witnesses to Appear at July 11 Hearing on Proposed PGA Tour-LIV Golf Agreement

[WASHINGTON, DC] – Today, U.S. Senate Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations (PSI) Chairman Richard Blumenthal (D-CT) and Ranking Member Ron Johnson (R-WI) announced that the following witnesses will appear at a hearing, The PGA-LIV Deal: Implications for the Future of Golf and Saudi Arabia’s Influence in the United States, on July 11, 2023:

  1. Ron Price, Chief Operating Officer, PGA Tour; and
  2. Jimmy Dunne, Board Member, PGA Tour.

The hearing will examine the planned agreement between the PGA Tour and the Saudi Arabian government’s Public Investment Fund, as well as the future of the PGA Tour and professional golf in the United States.

Blumenthal and Johnson also requested testimony from Greg Norman, CEO of LIV Golf, and Yasir al-Rumayyan, who as Governor of the Public Investment Fund will oversee Saudi Arabia’s financial investments in the new golf entity and serve as the chairman of its board. Representatives for both Norman and al-Rumayyan informed the subcommittee that they are unavailable to testify on July 11, due to scheduling conflicts.

“We appreciate the PGA Tour working with us and look forward to a robust, thoughtful exchange with both Ron Price and Jimmy Dunne on July 11, focusing on the details and background of this deal and what it means for this cherished American institution,” said Blumenthal and Johnson in a joint statement.

“We regret that Governor al-Rumayyan and Mr. Norman’s scheduling conflicts will prevent them from attending the July 11 hearing. Both Governor al-Rumayyan and Mr. Norman have valuable information to share about the operations of the Public Investment Fund, the future of LIV Golf, and Saudi Arabia’s plans to invest in golf and other sports. Consistent with our subcommittee’s practice, we look forward to working with both witnesses to find a mutually agreeable date for them to appear in the very near future.”

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