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Blumenthal, Johnson Announce Hearing with Boeing CEO Dave Calhoun

[WASHINGTON, D.C.] – Today, U.S. Senate Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations (PSI) Chairman Richard Blumenthal (D-CT) and Ranking Member Ron Johnson (R-WI) announced that Boeing CEO Dave Calhoun will testify at a hearing at 2 PM on Tuesday, June 18.

“Five years ago, Boeing made a promise to overhaul its safety practices and culture. That promise proved empty, and the American people deserve an explanation,” said Blumenthal. “I look forward to Mr. Calhoun’s testimony, which is a necessary step in meaningfully addressing Boeing’s failures, regaining public trust, and restoring the company’s central role in the American economy and national defense. Years of putting profits ahead of safety, stock price ahead of quality, and production speed ahead of responsibility has brought Boeing to this moment of reckoning, and its hollow promises can no longer stand.”

“Whistleblower allegations coupled with recent incidents of aircraft malfunctions have raised concerns about the safety of Boeing airplanes,” said Johnson. “Mr. Calhoun owes the public a complete and thorough explanation about the steps Boeing has taken and will take to identify and address potential manufacturing problems.”

In March 2024, PSI received whistleblower disclosures concerning the safety and quality of Boeing’s aircraft manufacturing. Following these disclosures, PSI opened a bipartisan inquiry into Boeing, and requested information from Boeing and the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA). Mr. Calhoun’s testimony follows an April 2024 PSI hearing featuring firsthand accounts of manufacturing deficiencies and a culture of retaliation at the company by current and former Boeing employees, including testimony from Sam Salehpour, a current quality engineer at Boeing.

The full text of the Subcommittee’s March 2024 letter to Mr. Calhoun is available here. The full text of the Subcommittee’s March 2024 letter to FAA Administrator Whitaker is available here. Video of the Subcommittee’s April 2024 hearing can be viewed here.
