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Blumenthal Issues Statement On Mta Blue Ribbon Panel Report

(Hartford, CT) – U.S. Senator Richard Blumenthal issued the following statement in response to the final report issued today by the Blue Ribbon Panel, commissioned by Metropolitan Transportation Authority tasked with assessing the safety culture, protocols and practices of Metro-North Railroad, New York City Transit and the Long Island Rail Road:

Yet another report is confirming once again what commuters have known all along—Metro-North has suffered under a weak safety culture and relied on outdated technology, poor maintenance practices, ineffective investment strategies and insufficient personnel planning, resulting in catastrophic delays, service disruptions and accidents that have cost lives, and inconvenienced many. Under new leadership, Metro-North has begun to take critical measures to improve its internal processes, culture and oversight, and has committed to long-needed safety investments. But in many important areas, Metro-North still must make life-saving, urgently needed reforms as swiftly as possible—riders cannot afford to wait any longer. I will introduce new legislation after Congress returns in September that will mandate much needed improvements like those identified by the Blue Ribbon Panel for Metro-North and all rail operators."