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Blumenthal, Graham, Ernst & Cardin Introduce Bill to Require a Strategy to Evacuate Americans & At-Risk Allies Still in Afghanistan

Legislation would prioritize evacuation, processing, & resettlement of Americans & allies who served U.S. mission

[WASHINGTON, D.C.] – Today, U.S. Senators Richard Blumenthal (D-CT), Lindsey Graham (R-SC), Joni Ernst (R-IA) and Ben Cardin (D-MD) introduced the Honor Our Commitment Act to prioritize evacuation, processing, and resettlement efforts for Americans, Lawful Permanent Residents, and at-risk Afghan allies who still remain in Afghanistan. As a result of their work on behalf of the U.S. mission, thousands of Afghan nationals who served alongside U.S. military personnel or for American non-profits, media companies, or aid organizations in Afghanistan remain in the country where they are being targeted and hunted by the Afghan Taliban.

“The United States has a clear moral imperative to evacuate and resettle at-risk Afghan allies now in mortal danger because they helped protect our troops and diplomats,” said Senator Blumenthal. “For two decades, Afghan men and women put their lives on the line to serve the U.S. mission as translators, guards, civil servants, and humanitarian workers. In moments of danger and crisis, they were there for us. Now that they have targets on their backs, we must honor our commitment to enable their escape from death and torture. I’m proud to introduce the Honor Our Commitment Act to establish a clear, consistent, compassionate strategy for the evacuation and resettlement of these individuals and their families. Our at-risk Afghan allies deserve no less.”

“I’m very pleased to be working with Senators Blumenthal, Ernst, and Cardin on this important legislation,” said Senator Graham. “America must honor its commitment to American citizens, Lawful Permanent Residents, their families, and all those at-risk Afghans who fought bravely along our side who are still in Afghanistan. It is important during this holiday season that we not forget those left behind who are suffering under the Afghan Taliban.”

“While the tragic exit from Afghanistan may have moved off of the front pages, the devastating situation in Afghanistan is all too real for the hundreds of American citizens and allies who the Biden administration left behind. This bipartisan effort will ensure we prioritize Americans and those who aided the U.S. mission in Afghanistan and help get them home or brought to safety,” said Senator Ernst.

“Right now, the United States is not honoring the commitments made to Afghans who did what we asked them to do -- standing up for human rights and against corruption, advancing opportunities for women and girls, and battling the Taliban, al Qaeda and ISIS,” said Senator Cardin. “This bill would move us closer to meeting our obligations to help our Afghan allies. The administration should go even beyond this.”

The Honor Our Commitment Act directs the Departments of State, Homeland Security, Federal Bureau of Investigation, and other relevant federal agencies to provide a strategy to:

  • Prioritize for evacuation special immigrant visa applicants and referrals to the United States Refugee Admissions Program, including through the Priority 2 Designation;
  • Facilitate the rapid departure of such individuals from Afghanistan by air charter and land passage;
  • Provide letters of support, diplomatic notes and other documentation, as appropriate, to ease transit of such individuals;
  • Engage governments of relevant countries to better facilitate evacuation;
  • Disseminate frequent updates to such individuals and relevant nongovernmental organizations;
  • Identify or establish sufficient locations outside of Afghanistan that will accept such individuals during application processing; and
  • Further surge capacity to better support such individuals and reduce their application processing times, while ensuring strict and necessary security vetting, including, to the extent practicable, enabling refugee referrals to initiate application processes while still in Afghanistan.

Last week, Blumenthal, Graham, and Ernst joined a bipartisan, bicameral coalition of Members of Congress in posting photos and videos on their social media platforms wearing green ribbons as part of a new grassroots effort to “Honor Our Commitment.”

The full text of the legislation is available here.
