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Blumenthal, Esty Release Letters to ICE, Board of Immigration Appeals Seeking Stay in Deportation of New Britain Father

(HARTFORD, CT) – U.S. Senator Richard Blumenthal (D-Conn.) and Congresswoman Elizabeth Esty (CT-5) released two letters today to Immigration and Customs Enforcement and the Board of Immigration Appeals seeking a last minute stay in the deportation of New Britain father Mariano Cardoso scheduled for this Friday.

Mr. Cardoso is scheduled to be deported to his native Mexico after living here for 27 years with no criminal record. He has applied for permanent residency through his U.S. citizen son and Senator Blumenthal and Congresswoman Esty have urged ICE not to take this unnecessarily cruel action while he pursues his pathway to legal status. Cardoso has two U.S. citizen children and a son who is a DACA recipient. 

Both letters identify several significant factors in his case that should merit a stay of removal, including the fact that Mr. Cardoso’s father is about to undergo surgery and will require his care.


December 14, 2017

Mr. Thomas Homan

Acting Director

Department of Homeland Security

Immigration and Customs Enforcement

500 12th Street, Southwest

Washington, D.C. 20536


RE: Cardoso, Mariano; A: 073-676- 847; DOB: January 8, 1967


Dear Acting Director Homan,

We are writing to you again on behalf of Mr. Mariano Cardoso of New Britain, Connecticut and his family regarding the Stay of Deportation filed today. We believe an immediate review of Mr. Cardoso’s case and a reconsideration of his request for a Stay of Removal is warranted, given his strong connection with his community and his role as caretaker for his parents.

Mr. Cardoso’s attorney, Holli Wargo, has submitted the Stay of Removal based on many significant factors in his case -- Mr. Cardoso has been in the U.S. since 1990, gainfully employed as a business owner which provides employment to several others, and has an approved I-130 through his United States citizen son. He is also the primary caregiver for both his mother and father. Additionally, we were informed that Mr. Cardoso’s father will undergo surgery which will place further responsibility on Mr. Cardoso to provide the needed care for his father. Furthermore, Mr. Cardoso has two U.S. citizen children and a son who is a DACA recipient. He provides financial and other support for his family members.

We understand and respect the difficult and important task ICE faces, but cannot understand how deporting Mr. Cardoso would be the best use of ICE’s resources as he does not pose a threat to the United States or his community.

We urge you to consider the positive aspects of this case and respectfully ask you grant his request for prosecutorial discretion. For the reasons listed above, we ask that ICE give Mr. Cardoso’s request for a Stay of Removal full and fair consideration. He should be granted every consideration possible to remain in the United States and allowed to continue to pursue his pathway to legal status.

December 14, 2017


Board of Immigration Appeals

United States Department of Justice

5107 Leesburg Pike, Suite 2000

Falls Church, VA 22041


RE: Cardoso, Mariano; A73 676 847; DOB: January 8, 1967


To whom it may concern,

We are writing on behalf of Mariano Cardoso, of New Britain, Connecticut, regarding a Motion to Reopen submitted to your office by his attorney, Holli Wargo, on December 14, 2017.  We believe an immediate review of Mr. Cardoso’s case is warranted, given his clean record, strong U.S connections, his role as caretaker for his father, who will soon be undergoing surgery and his approved I-130 petition which is pending the assignment of a visa number.  

Attorney Wargo has submitted the request for reconsideration based on the many significant factors in his case.  Mr. Cardoso has been in the U.S. since 1990, runs a local business which provides employment to several others, and has an approved I-130 through his United States citizen son. He is also the primary caregiver for both his mother and father. Additionally, we were informed that Mr. Cardoso’s father will undergo surgery which will place further responsibility on Mr. Cardoso to provide the needed care for his father. Furthermore, Mr. Cardoso has two U.S. citizen children and a son who is a DACA recipient. He provides financial and other support for his family members, and plays an important role in his family as well as community.

We urge you to consider the positive aspects of this case and respectfully ask you grant his request for a Motion to Reopen.  If you have any questions regarding this request, or would like to discuss the matter further, please contact Rebecca Crosswaith in Senator Blumenthal’s office at (860) 258-6940, or Kayla Briere in Congresswoman Esty’s office at (860) 223-8412.  Thank you for your time and attention to our request.