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Blumenthal, Durbin Statement on Vitamin Shoppe, VitaCost Decision to Stop Selling Supplements Containing Amphetamine-Like Stimulants

(Washington, DC) – Today, U.S. Senators Richard Blumenthal (D-Conn.) and Dick Durbin (D-Ill.) released the following statement after two of the nation’s supplement retailers, Vitamin Shoppe and VitaCost, announced that they would pull any products containing acacia rigidula from their shelves. This decision follows a study published earlier this week that identified many of the products with acacia rigidula also contain a replacement for amphetamine stimulants called BMPEA.

Quick and necessary action by these companies in taking these dangerous products off their shelves should be followed by others. Recent studies demonstrate the dire need for stronger regulation and more robust testing to protect consumers health and safety. Amphetamines are potentially extremely dangerous and sales appropriately undergo stringent regulation. Unacceptably, the FDA has chosen to disregard the dangers of products with amphetamine-like chemicals. Unscrupulous companies in the supplement industry act must be stopped from putting people at risk.”