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Blumenthal Delegation Announces Additional $10.6 Million for Home Heating Assistance

[Hartford, CT] – The Connecticut Congressional delegation today announced that Connecticut will receive an additional $10.6 million in regular Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) funds to assist homeowners with their energy bills.

The $560 million in LIHEAP funds, of which Connecticut will receive $10.6 million, is administered by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) and comes at a time when energy assistance remains in high demand.

“Connecticut families should not have to choose between heating their homes, keeping the lights on or putting food on the table,” the delegation said in a statement. “This $10.6 million is a lifeline for Connecticut families and comes at a time when heating assistance programs are cutting back to meet surging demand for their services. We are pleased HHS released this funding and will keep fighting for robust investments in LIHEAP to provide real relief for Connecticut families.”

With this latest appropriation, Connecticut has received $116 million in LIHEAP funding since November 2022 through federal appropriations.

Individuals interested in applying for energy assistance can visit or call the National Energy Assistance Referral (NEAR) hotline toll-free at:  1-866-674-6327. 
