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Blumenthal Calls for Transparency, Accountability Regarding US Soldier Deaths in Niger

[WASHINGTON, DC] – Today, U.S. Senator Richard Blumenthal (D-CT), a member of the Senate Armed Services Committee, called for a full hearing of the Committee on the deaths of four American soldiers killed in Niger, and swift completion of a comprehensive investigation into the circumstances that led to this tragedy.

“In the days since four Americans were killed in Niger, we have no clear answers about what happened and why their lives were lost. Nearly two weeks of delay and non-disclosure is cause for very grave concern. The Senate Armed Services Committee needs to hear directly from those in charge – including U.S. Africa Command and U.S. Special Operations Command – about what decisions led to this tragic outcome. I fully support all efforts Chairman McCain and Ranking Member Reed will take to ensure that our Committee is fully engaged in its oversight responsibilities including, if necessary, subpoenas. Meanwhile, the Administration must prioritize a comprehensive investigation,” said Blumenthal.