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Blumenthal, Booker, & Casey Statement on Violence in Israel

[WASHINGTON, D.C.] – U.S. Senators Richard Blumenthal (D-CT), Cory Booker (D-NJ), and Bob Casey (D-PA) issued the following statement:

“We grieve with the innocent Palestinians and Israelis who have lost their loved ones to this recent cycle of violence. Israel should not have to endure more than 1,600 rocket attacks by a terrorist organization, Hamas, which brutalizes the Palestinian people and targets Israelis with unceasing violence. Israel has the right to defend itself from these terrorist attacks and we urge Israeli leadership to strive to minimize harm to civilians to the maximum extent possible.”

“We also recognize that Palestinians have been residents of Sheikh Jarrah and Silwan neighborhoods of Jerusalem for generations. We support the Israeli Supreme Court’s decision to delay ruling on the removal of six Palestinian families from their homes in East Jerusalem.”

“This conflict will not be solved through violence and it must stop. We welcome Secretary Blinken’s announcement that a senior American diplomat will be headed to the Middle East to urge de-escalation.”

“This moment demands a recommitment to dialogue from Israeli and Palestinian leaders, and a renewed commitment to a two-state solution that affirms Israel’s safety, security and right to exist as a Jewish state and the human dignity, human rights, safety and self-determination of the Palestinian people.”
