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Blumenthal: Attorney General Should be a Watchdog, Not a Lapdog

[WASHINGTON, DC] – U.S. Senator Richard Blumenthal (D-CT) released the following statement in response to revelations in President Trump’s interview with the New York Times, including his comments about Attorney General Jeff Sessions. Blumenthal also responded to the news that Special Counsel Robert Mueller has expanded the scope of his investigation to include President Trump’s financial dealings.

“I opposed the nomination of Jeff Sessions, but the Attorney General should not be forced to resign for doing the right thing – following ethical rules and upholding the rule of law – especially if he will be replaced by a politically compliant lackey handpicked by President Trump. The Attorney General of the United States should be a watchdog, not a lapdog.

“This issue is ultimately not about Jeff Sessions; it’s about the rule of law. The most important priority now is to protect the independence and integrity of Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation against the renewed threat of political interference from President Trump, which again has raised the specter of obstruction of justice. The investigation has now expanded appropriately to include relevant Trump financial dealings. Attempts by the President to set limits on the investigation are inappropriate and potentially illegal.”