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Blumenthal Applauds Komen for the Cure Decision to Restore Funding to Planned Parenthood

(Hartford, CT) – Senator Richard Blumenthal (D-CT) today released the following statement in response to Susan G. Komen for the Cure’s decision to restore funding for lifesaving breast cancer screenings to Planned Parenthood clinics:

“This decision is a resounding victory for women’s health care. Komen’s reversal is a response to an overwhelming outpouring of support for women’s health – which I was proud to be a part of. I applaud this decision to reconsider this damaging policy and restore Komen’s partnership with Planned Parenthood, a trusted and effective provider of health services for millions of women across the country. Now more than ever, we must resist and reject baseless, ideological attacks on women’s health care from extreme, right wing political groups. I look forward to continuing to work to ensure that every woman, regardless of income, has access to the vital health services she deserves. ”
