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Blumenthal Applauds FDA Menthol Cigarette & Flavored Cigar Ban

[WASHINGTON, D.C.] – U.S. Senator Richard Blumenthal (D-CT) today praised the Food and Drug Administration’s (FDA) announcement of a proposed rule to ban menthol cigarettes and prohibit flavors in cigars:

“Banning menthol is a monumental step forward. It’s long overdue but historic in saving millions from lifetimes of addiction and disease. No doubt the industry will mobilize its armies of lawyers and lobbyists, so the fight will continue. As a longtime advocate of stronger FDA action, I look forward to supporting continued measures to protect children and all Americans from the flavors, gimmicks, ads and clever tools that Big Tobacco tirelessly deploys.”

Last year, Blumenthal joined 16 Senators in calling on the FDA to act on a pending citizen petition requesting a ban on menthol cigarettes and cigars. As Chair of the Subcommittee on Consumer Protection, Product Safety, and Data Security, Blumenthal also held a hearing highlighting deceptive marketing claims and practices by tobacco companies.
