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Blumenthal & Collins Applaud Senate Passage of Legislation to Ban Private Ownership of Big Cats

The Big Cat Public Safety Act was approved by the House earlier this year and now heads to President Biden’s desk for signature

[WASHINGTON, D.C] – U.S. Senators Richard Blumenthal (D-CT) and Susan Collins (R-ME) issued the following statement after the Senate passed the Big Cat Public Safety Act, bipartisan legislation prohibiting the ownership of big cats like lions and tigers and outlaws public contact with cubs. The House passed the legislation earlier this year and it now awaits President Joe Biden’s signature. 

“The Big Cat Public Safety Act will end the horrific exploitation of big cats and bolster public safety,” said Blumenthal. “These beautiful but powerful predators deserve to live in the wild, not be kept in captivity for people’s entertainment—even as cubs. I’m thrilled that, after a groundswell of public and bipartisan support, this bill I’ve long advocated for will become law.”

“Big cats like lions, tigers, and cheetahs belong in their natural habitats, not in the hands of private owners where they are too often subject to cruelty or improper care,” said Collins.  “Our legislation will prohibit the private ownership of big cats, which threatens the safety of the animals and the public and harms conservation efforts.  I am pleased that our colleagues supported our bipartisan effort to improve the welfare of animals.”

More information about the Big Cat Safety Act can be found here. The legislation was introduced in the U.S. House of Representatives by U.S. Representatives Mike Quigley (D-IL) and Brian Fitzpatrick (R-PA).
