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Before G20, Blumenthal Calls on President Trump to Condemn Putin for Election Meddling

[WASHINGTON, DC] – U.S. Senator Richard Blumenthal (D-CT) issued the following statement in advance of President Trump’s face-to-face meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin tomorrow at the G20 Summit.

"President Trump must forcefully condemn Russia's interference in our election – convincing Putin that he will pay a painful price, and an even higher price if he repeats this criminal attack. Putin is not a friend or ally. He is a bully and an antidemocratic KGB thug, who continues to be an aggressive adversary through violations of the INF treaty, support for war crimes in Syria, and illegal annexation of Crimea and invasion of eastern Ukraine.

“As important as tough talk is tough action. The President must strongly and clearly support the Russian sanctions bill, now stalled in the House because of his tacit resistance. This measure passed with overwhelming bipartisanship, 98-2, and its delay, with the President’s apparent opposition, only diminishes its message and impact. He should unite with our allies to seek even stronger sanctions -- throttling energy, financial and other Russian economic sectors. 

“Beginning now, President Trump needs to show he has the conviction and courage to stand up to Putin."