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After Efforts by Blumenthal, President Obama Designates New England Coral Canyons & Seamounts as First Ever Atlantic Marine National Monument

[WASHINGTON, DC] – After efforts by U.S. Senator Richard Blumenthal (D-CT),  President Barack Obama today designated the New England Coral Canyons and Seamounts as the nation’s first ever Atlantic marine national monument. Blumenthal sent a letter with the entire Connecticut Congressional delegation in August urging the President to use his authority under the Antiquities Act of 1906 to preserve and protect the unique environmental treasure. The designation will protect the area from damaging activity while ensuring proper care and management.

“This historic step helps preserve the New England Coral Canyons and Seamounts—an environmental treasure—for generations to come,” Blumenthal said. “This first ever Atlantic marine national monument will protect countless species and habitats from irreversible damage, advance key research, and support critical jobs that depend on healthy oceans. I am pleased President Obama heeded calls from countless Connecticut residents, regional businesses, marine scientists, religious leaders and environmental organizations as well as the entire Connecticut delegation to conserve this precious natural resource.”

The President’s announcement embodies feedback from New England fishermen who requested that the monument’s boundaries be set in a way that does not harm their industry. The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) also announced today that it will release data next month to help ensure changing environmental conditions are taken into greater account when establishing fish quotas. Currently, the quotas unfairly disadvantage New England fisherman as they do not take into account how climate change is affecting fish migration patterns.

“The President set more sensible boundaries for the monument—modifying the original proposal—and sought to balance key environmental goals with the important economic and job interests of fishermen in New England,” Blumenthal said. “I’ve urged that the President hear and heed Connecticut fishermen and the New England fishing industry. I am also encouraged NOAA will be providing new data and scientific evidence potentially supporting—indeed requiring—revision of fishing quotas by appropriate management councils.”

The New England Coral Canyons and Seamounts lies about 150 miles off the coast of New England along the continental shelf, and is an area of immense natural diversity. The area is home to at least 73 different species of deep sea coral, countless sharks, whales, dolphins, sea turtles and sea birds. The undersea canyons rival the Grand Canyon in size and scale, and the underwater mountains are higher than any east of the Rockies—as high as 7,700 feet from the ocean floor.
