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Blumenthal Statement on Whistleblower Complaint Alleging the Politically Motivated Censorship of Intelligence on Russian Election Meddling

[WASHINGTON, DC] – U.S. Senator Richard Blumenthal (D-CT) released the following statement in response to a whistleblower complaint released today by the House Intelligence Committee that alleges efforts by senior Trump Administration officials to suppress intelligence related to Russia’s campaign to influence U.S. elections:

“Censoring intelligence on election interference based on a solely political calculation would be treasonous. To be clear: if true, these allegations show the extent to which the national security threat goes beyond Russian meddling in our elections to include the purposeful, political dereliction of duty by members of the Trump Administration. We are less than two months out from an election that Russia is making every attempt to influence, now allegedly with senior national security appointees as their willing accomplices. Which one of my Republican colleagues will finally stand up for our democracy and condemn this dangerous behavior?” Blumenthal said.

“These allegations undermine what little confidence remained that the Trump Administration’s efforts to guard against Russian interference were not hopelessly compromised. The Administration must declassify and publicly disclose the absolutely chilling information it shared with Congress in early August concerning foreign threats to the election and must permit the Intelligence Community to resume in-person Congressional briefings immediately.”
