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Blumenthal Calls on Senate to Confirm Richard Cordray as Head Consumer Advocate


Slug: [Blumenthal statement on Cordray confirmation]

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4.     Locate and click (CT1) CT, Blumenthal.  The link to the video will be displayed in the pane on the right.



Audio [Clip]:


(Washington, DC) – Senator Blumenthal (D-CT) today made the following remarks on the floor of the United States Senate in support of Richard Cordray’s confirmation to lead the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB). The Senate is expected to vote on Cordray’s confirmation before the end of the week.

“Richard Cordray brings to this job a unique set of qualifications. He has been involved at the local and state level, working closely with community banks and credit unions as well as other financial institutions as a state and county treasurer. He understands the important role that they play in small towns and communities. He knows how to work with institutions and the business people who run them. He is realistic and is sensible… Republicans in this body have made this issue a partisan one. It should not be. There is nothing partisan about debt collectors or mortgage servicers or others who may abuse their trust to consumers. There is nothing partisan about people who become victims of the practices that continue that we need the CFPB to counter. There is nothing partisan or should be nothing partisan about this individual, Rich Cordray, who has dedicated his life to protecting ordinary men and women against the financial abuses that the CFPB is designed to fight.
