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Blumenthal Issues Statement on PURA Final Decision to Increase CL&P Fixed Charge

(Hartford, CT) - U.S. Senator Richard Blumenthal (D-Conn.) issued the following statement today in response to the Public Utilities Regulatory Authority’s final decision granting Connecticut Light and Power an over 20 percent increase in its fixed charge, while also providing the public utility a more than 9 percent guaranteed rate of return.

“After sustained public outcry, PURA’s decision today to grant Connecticut Light and Power a more than 20 percent increase in its fixed rate charge is disappointing and unconscionable. CL&P’s fixed charge for residential users will now be the highest in New England, an unacceptable distinction with serious consequences for Connecticut ratepayers—most notably low-income and elderly users. This fee will hit consumers before they even turn on a single light, discouraging and devaluing conservation and efficiency measures and damaging our economy. With PURA signaling future increases, efforts to combat additional fixed rate increases must continue before this disturbing decision becomes a dire trend,” Blumenthal said.